Welcome To Fit & Pursuit
FIT AND PURSUIT is a remarkably diverse and empowered group of women from various professions and backgrounds. Our team includes individuals with extensive experience in ministries, banking, healthcare, business, and a variety of other fields. What binds us together is our unwavering faith and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ…
Join the “TIME IN HIS PRESENCE” Sessions.
What We Believe
God has given each and every individual a unique gifting, grace and purpose. No one can do it better than you. You have been graced by God to do it.
No one can strive or compete with you on the basis of what God has given you.
Life goes beyond success: that leaving a legacy and a mark on this earth and being a candidate of Heaven is what matters.
We are imperfect beings relying on our perfect God to make us a wonder in our Generation.
Current Series
Weekly Nudges & Push Corner
Get caught up with our current message series!
Become A Part Of Something Great
Fit and Pursuit would love to welcome you on board as we together fit into our Lord’s Kingdom identity, His purpose/calling for our lives, and help extend His Kingdom to all corners of the earth and remain in Him till He returns.
Extra Giving Opportunities
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A Simple Act of Kindness Creates an Endless Ripple.
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Harriet H. Kotey
President & Team Leader
A Message From Our President
What else matters in this world except the pursuit of the very reason for your existence according to the Purpose of our Father God.
Fit and Pursuit:. Is all about finding that Purpose and calling of God for your life, fitting into same and pursuing till fulfillment. That’s the Lord’s mandate to us as a team; that we allow ourselves to be vessels in the Lord’s hand to offer that team work and support to anyone He will connect to us to walk through that process. Many a time, the weight of issues of life makes such process an arduous one to pursue. Sometimes, being able to find that Purpose and calling is also almost an impossible one. Fit and Pursuit Team with the help of our Father God, walk with the Precious child and creation of God to walk through that process to fulfillment of same.
There are many women and men that have in them huge destinies to impact the Kingdom of God but have not been able to because of one reason or the other. It’s an important thing to God that such great destinies are birthed and the Kingdom of God impacted. The reason Fit and Pursuit exists!!!
What We Believe
God has given each and every individual a unique gifting, grace and purpose. No one can do it better than you. You have been graced by God to do it.
No one can strive or compete with you on the basis of what God has given you.

Jesus Is Lord

God Is Love

The Spirit Empowers
We are a community that believes in Jesus & loves God and people.
Fit and pursuit wants to welcome you on this amazing journey of Knowing your purpose and calling, and pursuing them till accomplishment, with a marvelous and unique experience with God.